Jan Peter Apel
The Mystery of Flying
problem of finding the solution to the mystery of flying is the same as
that of finding the riddle of the course of the sun above our heads. In both cases the same mistake is made: we take us
as the point of reference that would provide the right view of these
natural processes, although these observed things do not move, but we
instead of the dormant sun we turn with the earth,
of the unmoved air, which only passes us as a wind blast, we move with
the airplane, which also corresponds to the view into the wind tunnel.
A ladybird, sitting on a wing, would say, "the air particles moves over
me". But they do not as well as the sun, which does not move over us
By this cardinal error, namely to use relative views,
which are always repeated anew in physics, the view arose that the air
passed wings as a real stream. These "flow theories" are created with
the Bernoulli or Coanda effect, although the air does not flow at all.
The result: all theories, which are based on a "flow" on the airplane
wing, are basically and completely wrong! A physical theory is either
completely correct or completely false. A little bit wrong is just
impossible as a little pregnant.
Each flying object must
move in and against the air by means of the use of energy and at the
same time use the air to generate a buoyancy force. This happened
by that, that the wings of all types of flying objects accelerates air
downwards, so that the downwardly pushed air masses produce reaction
forces upwards, which are the kinetic buoyancy forces. For physics of
flying, the surrounding air is the natural coordinate system, which is
the only one correct and therefore permissible coordinate system.
is the only one correct theory which also leads to direct answers for
all questions relating to flying, such as the question of why there are
very large vortices behind airplanes: they are the unavoidable
consequence of the pressed down air masses by planes.
to the rules of physics, which are mostly not taught, physical theories
are never proved by mathematical success, but only by their ability to
answer all questions without exception. Mathematics is not the
supervisor of physics, but rather a completely different kind of
from this physical solution to the problem of flying, There are a lot
of technically advantageous partial theories out of other coordinate
but they have nothing to do with the physically truth of flying:
Flying objects heavier than air fly by downward accelerating air masses.
This is the basic principle of flying,
whether steadily with the wings slightly inclined with an angle of attack
or the same wings circularly like on helicopters
or swinging wings back and forth with bigger angle of attack.